New Windows?
(too old to reply)
2004-04-05 12:01:39 UTC
Are there any settings which control the size and/or positioning
of "New Windows" in IE4 (registry edits/hacks OK).


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Frank Saunders, MS-MVP
2004-04-09 12:36:43 UTC
Post by Kentiguous
Are there any settings which control the size and/or positioning
of "New Windows" in IE4 (registry edits/hacks OK).
Open such a link.
Don't use the maximize button.
Stretch the edges/corners so that the window is the size you want.
Close all other IE windows.
Close the stretched window.

IE remembers the size of the last Normal window closed.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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2004-04-11 23:38:20 UTC
Post by Frank Saunders, MS-MVP
Post by Kentiguous
Are there any settings which control the size and/or
of "New Windows" in IE4 (registry edits/hacks OK).
Open such a link.
Don't use the maximize button.
Stretch the edges/corners so that the window is the size you
Close all other IE windows.
Close the stretched window.
IE remembers the size of the last Normal window closed.
Thanks for the reply, Frank. I have used the above technique,
which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. I've also used the
"Ctrl-Click-on-Close-Window" method, with varying degrees of
success. Lately, I've even started using a .BAT file that sets the
value of:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

which works just fine for the parent window, but, I still have to
use your technique for the first "New Window". Sometimes, after
manual positioning, the first "New Window" info. will be
remembered for quite a while, and sometimes, not. Info. for
second, and succeeding "New Windows" will rarely be retained for
more than a usage, or two. I'd be happy if I could make all "New
Windows" open Maximized, but I don't like "Full Screen" mode.


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Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
2004-04-13 07:04:43 UTC
Post by Kentiguous
Post by Frank Saunders, MS-MVP
Post by Kentiguous
Are there any settings which control the size and/or
of "New Windows" in IE4 (registry edits/hacks OK).
Open such a link.
Don't use the maximize button.
Stretch the edges/corners so that the window is the size you
Close all other IE windows.
Close the stretched window.
IE remembers the size of the last Normal window closed.
Thanks for the reply, Frank. I have used the above technique,
which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. I've also used the
"Ctrl-Click-on-Close-Window" method, with varying degrees of
success. Lately, I've even started using a .BAT file that sets the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
which works just fine for the parent window, but, I still have to
use your technique for the first "New Window". Sometimes, after
manual positioning, the first "New Window" info. will be
remembered for quite a while, and sometimes, not. Info. for
second, and succeeding "New Windows" will rarely be retained for
more than a usage, or two. I'd be happy if I could make all "New
Windows" open Maximized, but I don't like "Full Screen" mode.
Windows only remembers the settings for a certain number of programs. If
you open too many other programs between closing the last Normal IE window
and opening the next, Windows forgets.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
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2004-04-16 08:18:38 UTC
Post by Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
Post by Kentiguous
Post by Frank Saunders, MS-MVP
Post by Kentiguous
Are there any settings which control the size and/or
of "New Windows" in IE4 (registry edits/hacks OK).
Open such a link.
Don't use the maximize button.
Stretch the edges/corners so that the window is the size you
Close all other IE windows.
Close the stretched window.
IE remembers the size of the last Normal window closed.
Thanks for the reply, Frank. I have used the above technique,
which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. I've also used
"Ctrl-Click-on-Close-Window" method, with varying degrees of
success. Lately, I've even started using a .BAT file that sets the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
which works just fine for the parent window, but, I still have to
use your technique for the first "New Window". Sometimes, after
manual positioning, the first "New Window" info. will be
remembered for quite a while, and sometimes, not. Info. for
second, and succeeding "New Windows" will rarely be retained
more than a usage, or two. I'd be happy if I could make all
Windows" open Maximized, but I don't like "Full Screen" mode.
Windows only remembers the settings for a certain number of
programs. If
you open too many other programs between closing the last Normal IE window
and opening the next, Windows forgets.
Thanks again, Frank. I'm running Win 4.00.950 here, and I've read
that it can retain size/positioning info. for 29 windows; can you
confirm this? Regardless, the above shouldn't be the culprit,
because I rarely open more than a couple of non-IE windows when
I'm online. Here's a better example of the behaviour I'm referring

1. Run WINPOS.BAT (sets IE main window (800x600 - full desktop,
except for taskbar).

2. Fire-up IE - Main Window OK - go to site A.

3. Open link B from site A in New Window. Will always need to be
repositioned, the first time (sometimes, the second New Window
position will be quite 'sticky', sometimes not).

4. Open link C from link B in second New Window. May be quite
'sticky', on suceeding opens from link B, if link B source does
not change. If link B source changes, second New Window will need

Is this the best I can hope for? Like I was saying, I'd be happy
if I could get all New Windows to open Maximized.


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Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
2004-04-17 06:31:29 UTC
Yes, Win95 only remembers the last 29 windows closed.
With IE6 (I think earlier versions were the same), IE doesn't like to place
new windows in the same position and wants to move them down and to the
right if it can. The only way I know to defeat that is to have set it to
occupy the whole screen per my first post.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Post by Kentiguous
Thanks again, Frank. I'm running Win 4.00.950 here, and I've read
that it can retain size/positioning info. for 29 windows; can you
confirm this? Regardless, the above shouldn't be the culprit,
because I rarely open more than a couple of non-IE windows when
I'm online. Here's a better example of the behaviour I'm referring
1. Run WINPOS.BAT (sets IE main window (800x600 - full desktop,
except for taskbar).
2. Fire-up IE - Main Window OK - go to site A.
3. Open link B from site A in New Window. Will always need to be
repositioned, the first time (sometimes, the second New Window
position will be quite 'sticky', sometimes not).
4. Open link C from link B in second New Window. May be quite
'sticky', on suceeding opens from link B, if link B source does
not change. If link B source changes, second New Window will need
Is this the best I can hope for? Like I was saying, I'd be happy
if I could get all New Windows to open Maximized.
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2004-04-19 19:14:31 UTC
Post by Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
Yes, Win95 only remembers the last 29 windows closed.
With IE6 (I think earlier versions were the same), IE doesn't
like to place new windows in the same position and wants to
move them down and to the right if it can. The only way I
know to defeat that is to have set it to occupy the whole
screen per my first post.
Like I was saying, manually setting 'full utilization' is not very
reliable, in IE4. Oh well, I guess I'll have to live with it.
Thanks a lot for your help.


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