Favorites Menu in IE 7 (only) does not auto expand.
(too old to reply)
2007-02-15 15:04:14 UTC
I already have the setting in MS Word to automatically expand all menus and
not show the double down caret to expand the menu.
However, in IE 7, and only on the Favorites Menu, I get the expand carets. I
want the full menu to be viewable immediately. I don't want to have to click
the expand carets nor do I want to wait.
How do I fix this?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
2007-02-16 03:32:30 UTC
Post by mdvga
I already have the setting in MS Word to automatically expand all menus and
not show the double down caret to expand the menu.
However, in IE 7, and only on the Favorites Menu, I get the expand carets. I
want the full menu to be viewable immediately. I don't want to have to click
the expand carets nor do I want to wait.
How do I fix this?
Tools | Internet Options | Advanced
Uncheck "Enable personalized favorites menu".

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Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't expect an answer to email.