patch for exployer?
(too old to reply)
2003-09-12 13:56:36 UTC
the following email came in today:

"Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
More than 500.000 already infected!"

along with an attachment.It says it is
from "***@microsoft" is this for real? I have been
getting alot of wierd stuff lately "your details", "your
information" type messages w/attachments. I've been
tossing all of them, but have I already got a bug? should
I open this attachment? Let me know if you know what this
is. Thanks Tom
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP
2003-09-12 14:37:58 UTC
Post by tom
"Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
More than 500.000 already infected!"
along with an attachment.It says it is
getting alot of wierd stuff lately "your details", "your
information" type messages w/attachments. I've been
tossing all of them, but have I already got a bug? should
I open this attachment? Let me know if you know what this
is. Thanks Tom
Microsoft NEVER sends unsolicited patched by enail.
It is a virus.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email