Where do I go to order an IE 7 CD?
(too old to reply)
2006-10-25 12:28:02 UTC
Not all of my computers are online.

I design my web pages, and make my graphics, on an offline computer but I do
need current browsers to design my pages for. I have never had to ask how to
buy an IE CD before, they were always easy to find at a reasonable price, and
sometimes, amazingly, free. Imagine that, in this age of big business greed
run amok, someone was giving something useful away as a courtesy.

I think the marketing teams and designers at Microsoft are forgetting that
not all computers are online. Some computers are offline by choice.

I wanted to be like Kirk or Spock but ended up being myself instead.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
2006-10-25 19:09:54 UTC
Post by MACJR
Not all of my computers are online.
I design my web pages, and make my graphics, on an offline computer but I do
need current browsers to design my pages for. I have never had to ask how to
buy an IE CD before, they were always easy to find at a reasonable price, and
sometimes, amazingly, free. Imagine that, in this age of big business greed
run amok, someone was giving something useful away as a courtesy.
I think the marketing teams and designers at Microsoft are forgetting that
not all computers are online. Some computers are offline by choice.
I don't think Microsoft has issued a CD yet. At least, I can't find it.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't send mail.