PROBLEM: JPEG images are distorted with IE 6.0
(too old to reply)
Tarik Kupoglu
2003-12-18 20:34:39 UTC
PROBLEM: JPEG images are distorted when displayed by Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6.0

JPEG images are distorted when I view web sites.

MPEG Video Clip colours are distorted. I can't see the movie.

I have epox 8kta3 mobo / radeon 7000 card / win98 se. / athlon 1.2 ghz CPU
When I go to internet explorer web sites , all the jpg pictures comes up
I mean, there are colored dots instead of picture.
I can't see any pictures on web page.
But with irfanview image editor, I can see the jpg pictures without problem.
if I play videos on windows media player, pictures are scrambled again..
I'd reinstalled win98SE 2 times!! After reinstalling win98SE before the
installotion on video card,
jpg pictures are scrambled even on vga mode on the internet explorer web
I'd downloaded all the updates for win98 and radeon video card.
I'd chose optimum settings at bios and problem won't go away.
I'd checked internet explorer options and problem is same.
what else I can do??????
please help meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alan Edwards
2003-12-18 21:04:22 UTC
You will do better with a post to an IE6 group rather than a little
used IE4 group.

IE6 newsgroups.

Alan Edwards, MS MVP W95/98 Systems

In microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4, "Tarik Kupoglu"
Post by Tarik Kupoglu
PROBLEM: JPEG images are distorted when displayed by Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6.0
JPEG images are distorted when I view web sites.
MPEG Video Clip colours are distorted. I can't see the movie.
I have epox 8kta3 mobo / radeon 7000 card / win98 se. / athlon 1.2 ghz CPU
When I go to internet explorer web sites , all the jpg pictures comes up
I mean, there are colored dots instead of picture.
I can't see any pictures on web page.
But with irfanview image editor, I can see the jpg pictures without problem.
if I play videos on windows media player, pictures are scrambled again..
I'd reinstalled win98SE 2 times!! After reinstalling win98SE before the
installotion on video card,
jpg pictures are scrambled even on vga mode on the internet explorer web
I'd downloaded all the updates for win98 and radeon video card.
I'd chose optimum settings at bios and problem won't go away.
I'd checked internet explorer options and problem is same.
what else I can do??????
please help meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!