Opening Internet Explorer Child Window in a separate process
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Faisal Habib
2004-01-22 07:31:03 UTC
As, the child window opened from the parent internet explorer window is
opened as a new thread, e.g. opening window from a javascript window.open
function, I want to know whether it is possible to open another child window
in a separate process rather than thread from parent window..... ?
Alan Edwards
2004-01-22 08:06:33 UTC
This is not a relevant newsgroup for your question.
Very few people use IE4 and you may not get a suitable answer from
this group.

Alan Edwards, MS MVP W95/98 Systems

In microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4, "Faisal Habib"
Post by Faisal Habib
As, the child window opened from the parent internet explorer window is
opened as a new thread, e.g. opening window from a javascript window.open
function, I want to know whether it is possible to open another child window
in a separate process rather than thread from parent window..... ?