corrupt iedll.exe file
(too old to reply)
Richard Kapperman
2003-08-31 19:00:34 UTC
When I restart computer I get loader error loading
iedll.exe file. Internet still works but I get scripting
error messages. I have latest MacAfee virus check but it
finds nothing wrong. If a access internet once everything
seems to work but I need to re-boot system after first use
because it says it can not find server. I downloaded IE
6.0 but it does not fix problem. What can I do???
Alan Edwards
2003-08-31 22:45:18 UTC
You have a parasite (iedll.exe)

Alan Edwards, MS MVP W95/98 Systems

In microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4, "Richard Kapperman"
Post by Richard Kapperman
When I restart computer I get loader error loading
iedll.exe file. Internet still works but I get scripting
error messages. I have latest MacAfee virus check but it
finds nothing wrong. If a access internet once everything
seems to work but I need to re-boot system after first use
because it says it can not find server. I downloaded IE
6.0 but it does not fix problem. What can I do???