Internet explorer script errors and lots of them
(too old to reply)
2003-11-07 18:18:15 UTC
from the moment i open the laptop i start getting them
every few seconds! various line and character numbers,
somme say overflow or object doesn't support this
property....and asks me Yes or No do I want to continue
running scripts.
Then often I will get the Illegal operation performed
and it shuts down!!!
Helpppppppp Pleeeease
I have the 4.0 , I tried to download the current update,
but when I go back to that screen it still says 4.0
If anyone can help I will be eternally grateful
Ben Myers
2003-11-08 17:13:06 UTC

Post by angelmay
from the moment i open the laptop i start getting them
every few seconds! various line and character numbers,
somme say overflow or object doesn't support this
property....and asks me Yes or No do I want to continue
running scripts.
Then often I will get the Illegal operation performed
and it shuts down!!!
Helpppppppp Pleeeease
I have the 4.0 , I tried to download the current update,
but when I go back to that screen it still says 4.0
If anyone can help I will be eternally grateful