IE adding strange characters to URL
(too old to reply)
2006-02-03 17:05:37 UTC
I am using a website development program which includes an FTP option to
upload the files to my server. Although the default FTP site is set correctly
- designs.1stchoiceinternational.com, IE puts additional characters in front
of the URL - ftp://rd1%40design.1stchoiceinternational.com/web/, which means
the site cannot connect. I have spoken with my ISP, the developer of the
website program and my host - all of whom say this is an IE issue.

Also, my designs are on the server in directories as /design_001,
/design_002 and so on. When I enter these URLs in my IE address, it changes
them to design%5F001. If I copy these links to anyone, for example, in
Messenger, they get "page cannot be displayed" errors.

I searched the Knowledge Base exhaustively for any reference to this issue,
but could find nothing.

Appreciate any help on this.

Thank you.
Ben Myers
2006-02-05 16:44:11 UTC
If you are using IE4, you probably should upgrade.


Post by ChecMark
I am using a website development program which includes an FTP option to
upload the files to my server. Although the default FTP site is set correctly
- designs.1stchoiceinternational.com, IE puts additional characters in front
of the URL - ftp://rd1%40design.1stchoiceinternational.com/web/, which means
the site cannot connect. I have spoken with my ISP, the developer of the
website program and my host - all of whom say this is an IE issue.
Also, my designs are on the server in directories as /design_001,
/design_002 and so on. When I enter these URLs in my IE address, it changes
them to design%5F001. If I copy these links to anyone, for example, in
Messenger, they get "page cannot be displayed" errors.
I searched the Knowledge Base exhaustively for any reference to this issue,
but could find nothing.
Appreciate any help on this.
Thank you.
2006-02-07 21:09:28 UTC
No, I am using the latest IE version 6.0.2900.2180
Post by Ben Myers
If you are using IE4, you probably should upgrade.
Post by ChecMark
I am using a website development program which includes an FTP option to
upload the files to my server. Although the default FTP site is set correctly
- designs.1stchoiceinternational.com, IE puts additional characters in front
of the URL - ftp://rd1%40design.1stchoiceinternational.com/web/, which means
the site cannot connect. I have spoken with my ISP, the developer of the
website program and my host - all of whom say this is an IE issue.
Also, my designs are on the server in directories as /design_001,
/design_002 and so on. When I enter these URLs in my IE address, it changes
them to design%5F001. If I copy these links to anyone, for example, in
Messenger, they get "page cannot be displayed" errors.
I searched the Knowledge Base exhaustively for any reference to this issue,
but could find nothing.
Appreciate any help on this.
Thank you.
Alan Edwards
2006-02-07 22:29:04 UTC
Then you are posting to an odd newsgroup, which is almost obsolete.
This group is for posts concerning IE4

IE6/OE6 newsgroups.

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 13:09:28 -0800, "ChecMark"
Post by ChecMark
No, I am using the latest IE version 6.0.2900.2180
Post by Ben Myers
If you are using IE4, you probably should upgrade.
Post by ChecMark
I am using a website development program which includes an FTP option to
upload the files to my server. Although the default FTP site is set correctly
- designs.1stchoiceinternational.com, IE puts additional characters in front
of the URL - ftp://rd1%40design.1stchoiceinternational.com/web/, which means
the site cannot connect. I have spoken with my ISP, the developer of the
website program and my host - all of whom say this is an IE issue.
Also, my designs are on the server in directories as /design_001,
/design_002 and so on. When I enter these URLs in my IE address, it changes
them to design%5F001. If I copy these links to anyone, for example, in
Messenger, they get "page cannot be displayed" errors.
I searched the Knowledge Base exhaustively for any reference to this issue,
but could find nothing.
Appreciate any help on this.
Thank you.