(too old to reply)
2004-02-04 10:02:02 UTC
My pc clock first started losing time. Then on restarts
the pc would simply shut down and NEVER restart. Sometimes
I couldn't even start up the pc by pressing the power
button. Eventually, I would literally have to unplug from
the outlet and plug it back in.When I would do this,the
computer would start up without even pressing the power
button. Over time, it would take many tries of unplugging
and plugging back in before it would start up,and even
then,sometimes it would only power up,but not boot up
(start windows). Now the pc is dead, no power,no lights,
nothing. What could be the cause? A friend says USB Port
gone bad. Could it be anything else? Thanks you... Jake.
good ole' me
2004-02-15 20:01:09 UTC
unless your power supply plugs into your usb outlet, theres no way a dead usb outlet could be the cause. My gurss is that , the reason your clock is going slowly is because the clock battery is dieing. somewhere on your motherboard, mine is in the topp right, is a large button-cell battery that controles the clock, and that is totally seperate from the main poewr supply, if u replace that the clock problem should be resolved. as to the problem with your main power, i would say either a connection somewhere along the route from the power supply to the splitter is bad, or your power supply hs gone bad. If u pen up the side of your computer, you will see a big metel boc in one corner, and this is where he power cord goes into as well. This is the power supply, and i think you will find that this has gone bad. The other option is that somehow either your processor or rom has gone bad, and both of these are necessairy for your computer to start up. if u decide that;s the problem, i would take it to a computer store and have them test the provessor, and see if the rom is correct. U might also test the power supply, even if just with a normal voltage testor to see if you are getting any power at all. Hope this helps!