short cut always opens in a small window.
(too old to reply)
Henry Stock
2006-04-03 00:56:33 UTC
Some IE application created a small internet explorer window. Now every time
I open a shortcut that I have created the ie explorer opens this small
window that is not appropriate for the application. I'd much rather have it
open full screen, but I can't seem to turn it off.

There is nothing unusual about the URL that I can see.... I don't see
anything in IE Options about this. How to I get IE Explorer to behave?
Alan Edwards
2006-04-03 02:10:45 UTC
An IE4 group is a strange place to post?
This group is all but obsolete.

Try stretching the small window to full size. (Do not use Maximize)
Ensure that window is the last one closed and IE should remember the
size next time.

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows -Internet Explorer

On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 20:56:33 -0400, in
Post by Henry Stock
Some IE application created a small internet explorer window. Now every time
I open a shortcut that I have created the ie explorer opens this small
window that is not appropriate for the application. I'd much rather have it
open full screen, but I can't seem to turn it off.
There is nothing unusual about the URL that I can see.... I don't see
anything in IE Options about this. How to I get IE Explorer to behave?