IE7 & Outlook Exp 6
(too old to reply)
Baiju Baby
2006-11-23 07:41:01 UTC
Dear all

Subject: Problem after installation of Internet Explorer 7 (Version
We recently updated our system with IE 7 Ver. 6.2.0029.0.
After the installation everything is ok, except printing mails from Outlook
Express 6 Ver. 6.00.2900.2180. When printing the mails that contain JPEG
picture attachments, the printed page doesn’t show the header of mails (like
Identity Name, From, To, Subject and time so on….) instead it just prints the
content of the mail and that’s in different fonts and font size than the
screen display.
Mails that doesn’t contain any attachments and that contain attachments
other than JPEG files print normally.

So please help me to solve this problem.

Looking forward to hearing from you soonest possible, with many thanks in
advance for your kind assistance

Baiju K Baby
Alan Edwards
2006-11-23 10:49:29 UTC
You have posted to an almost unused group for IE4, though the version
you quote indicates IE6, not IE7.

I see in http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/ie7/default.mspx that
the recommended newsgroup is microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

In a proper newsreader:

If you must use a web interface:

IE6/OE6 newsgroups.

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 23:41:01 -0800, in
microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4, Baiju Baby
Post by Baiju Baby
Dear all
Subject: Problem after installation of Internet Explorer 7 (Version
We recently updated our system with IE 7 Ver. 6.2.0029.0.
After the installation everything is ok, except printing mails from Outlook
Express 6 Ver. 6.00.2900.2180. When printing the mails that contain JPEG
picture attachments, the printed page doesn’t show the header of mails (like
Identity Name, From, To, Subject and time so on….) instead it just prints the
content of the mail and that’s in different fonts and font size than the
screen display.
Mails that doesn’t contain any attachments and that contain attachments
other than JPEG files print normally.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
2006-12-01 12:18:47 UTC
Post by Baiju Baby
Dear all
Subject: Problem after installation of Internet Explorer 7 (Version
We recently updated our system with IE 7 Ver. 6.2.0029.0.
After the installation everything is ok, except printing mails from Outlook
Express 6 Ver. 6.00.2900.2180. When printing the mails that contain JPEG
picture attachments, the printed page doesn’t show the header of mails (like
Identity Name, From, To, Subject and time so on….) instead it just prints the
content of the mail and that’s in different fonts and font size than the
screen display.
Mails that doesn’t contain any attachments and that contain attachments
other than JPEG files print normally.
For IE7 questions please see:

In a newsreader:

On the web:
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't send mail.